تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي
تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي

تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي

تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي نتعلم منه العديد من المعلومات عن دولة ايطاليا واهميتها الاستراتيجية ومدي تقدمها وغيرها العديد من المعلومات التي ستجدها هنا من خلال تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي.

تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي

تعتبر دولة ايطاليا من الدول ذات مستوي المعيشة العالى جدا وهي من اهم الدول المتقدمة في العالم والتي تشارك في العديد من المنظمات الدولية وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال تعبير عن دولة ايطاليا بالانجليزي.

State of Italy

The State of Italy or the Italian Republic, with its capital Rome, is a state partly located in the southern part of Europe (the Italian peninsula).

A state based on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean, Sardinia and Sicily. Italy shares with France, Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia in the northern Alpine border – relative to the Alps . Within the borders of the state are two independent states, Vatican City and San Marino.

The Italian territory extends over an area of ​​three hundred and one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight, inhabited by more than sixty million people.

It is the sixth largest European country in terms of population, while it ranks 23rd among the world’s most populous countries. The Italian state has a mild seasonal climate.

Italy is currently ranked 18th among the most advanced countries in the world. And has been classified as one of the top ten in terms of quality of life in the world, as it has a very high standard of living.

Italy is one of the founding member states of what is now known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union, In addition, it is a member of the Group of Eight and the G-20.

Italy has the fifth largest government budget in the world. A member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a member of the Western European Union, the Council of Europe and the World Trade Organization.  The State contributes to NATO’s nuclear participation plan, and its defense budget ranks ninth in the world.

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