تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits
تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits

تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits

تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits نتعلم منه العديد من عادات الطعام Eating Habits, حيث تتميز كل بلد بعادات وتقاليد متعددة في كل جوانب الحياة من اهمها عادات الطعام Eating Habits, وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits.

تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits

من المهم ان يتعلم كل شخص يريد السفر لبلد اجنبية ان يتعلم عنهم الكثير من العادات والتقاليد مما يسهل عليه العيش والتنقل في هذه البلد, ومن اهم العادات التي يجب ان يتعلمها الشخص هي عادات الطعام Eating Habits, وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال تعبير انجليزي عن Eating Habits.

Eating habits

Different popular customs vary in each country depending on the nature of the people and traditions inherited from their ancestors.

The traveler has to understand and take into account the habits of people wherever he goes. This saves him from embarrassing situations, helps to make friends with others and better understanding of the nature of the people and local culture. The following are some of eating  habits around the world:

Our rules in the East do not use left hand to eat food as long as you are not left-handed. This rule is much more severe in some parts of southern India, where it is not allowed to place the left hand on the table while eating, If the person is left- hand, the rule is completely different and he is not allowed to touch the table with his right hand.

In Korea, if someone gave you a drink, you should hold it in both hands, never use one hand to get it. Also, you should not start eating before the older ones on the table start eating; because this in Korean culture is evidence of respect for older people and giving them their place.

In Georgia, if you have been invited to what we call a “traditional feast”, you have to know that it does not contain much food, but contains mainly wine and toast, and you should drink the full cup at once, and not remove it until it is completely empty.

In Italy there is usually a famous cappuccino drink. They do not drink it at all. They say that drinking cappuccino late in the day may hurt the stomach so you will not see Italians drinking cappuccino at cafes after 3 pm.

Usually in China; when you finish eating one side of the fish do not flip it on the other side because it is a sign of unfortunately where the anglers previously believed that this will overturn their fishing boat.

Unlike many countries in South and Central America, Chile has a common habit: you can not eat any kind of food with your hands, but you should use a fork and knife. Never use your hands even if you eat potatoes.

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