بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي
بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي تجد فيه العديد من المعلومات المختلفة والمتنوعة عن سمك القرش من حيث فصائلها المتعددة واماكن تواجدها واهم ما تتغذي عليه من الكائنات البحرية . كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي.

بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

تنقسم فصائل وانواع سمك القرش الى اكثر من 400 نوع لكل منها خصائص معينة حيث تختلف من حيث الحجم واماكن التواجد واهم انواع الغذاء. وهنا سنتعرف على اهم خصائص سمك القرش من خلال بحث عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي.


Shark is a sea fish, some species are known to be predators, others are not predators.It has many types, depending on size, behavior and body shape.  

Sharks eat their prey with their teeth, and may lose it during that, but they return to life. The skin of the shark is shabby, in addition to having five pairs of gill plates on either side of its head. Some have seven pairs of gill plates.

Shark is also known for its strong sense of smell, where it can identify its enemies from their scent. It must be pointed out that it is endangered in our time, as a result of hunting a lot.

Information about shark

Sharks have about 400 species, which are divided into 30 families, each containing eight members of the shark. Thirty species out of four hundred are wild, which may pose a threat to human life.

One of the most dangerous sharks in the world; bull shark, ocean shark, white shark. It should be noted that sharks rarely attack humans, as they attack them by mistake, or in the absence of any other alternative, but must be careful, and not to approach it.

Shark Skills  

The shark is characterized by its high ability to evaluate its prey completely from the first bite, where it can estimate the amount of food energy, and the fat it will get from the prey; therefore, seals are ideal for him, due to the high level of fat.

And also characterized by non-stop movement, and that he does not sleep from birth until his death, due to his body, which is not equipped with other fish with air bags to help him breathe, which drives him to rely on the movement to pass water inside his mouth, and then to the nostrils to complete the breathing process.

History of the shark

The history of shark fossils dates back more than 300 million years, that is, they are predestined by the dinosaurs, Few shark species retain their physical qualities inherited for more than 150 million years.

The reason for the longevity of the shark is that it has many qualities that allow it to survive and get food. Sharks are on their way to extinction, and some species are in danger which prompted western governments to sign the Treaty of Rome in 1999, which prevents the hunting of some species in the period of reproduction.

Food information about the shark

 Each 100g of uncooked shark contains the following nutrients:

130 calories.

4.15 g fat.

0.92 g saturated fat.

20.98 g of proteins.

 51 g of cholesterol.

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