بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي
بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي يحتوي على العديد من المعلومات الهامة عن برج بيزا المائل سنتعرف من خلالها على موقعه وتاريخ بناؤه وكيفية البناء, وسنتعرف ايضا على سبب ميلانه والكثير عنه من خلال بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي.

بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

يعتبر برج بيزا المائل من عجائب الدنيا السبع على الرغم من ان هذا الميلان كان بسبب خطأ في البناء وليس مقصودا الا انه صمد حتي يومنا هذا. كل تلك المعلومات واكثر ستجدها هنا من خلال بحث عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The tower of Pisa was built to be a bell tower of the Cathedral of Pisa. The site was chosen to overlook the square of miracles, in the state of Toxana in Italy.

The Roman style was followed in its construction, and it leans five degrees from its vertical axis; it was not intended to be planned by the supervisor, it was supposed to resemble the rest of the towers of the churches, in addition to the leaning in the buildings make them vulnerable to fall.

In the Second World War, it was at risk of being destroyed by US forces. Most of the Pisa Towers were then destroyed, but it was rescued by a last-minute withdrawal decision. Today it is one of the seven wonders of the world, and one of the most important tourist destinations for visitors to Italy.

The construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

High quality white marble stones were selected for the construction of the Pisa Tower. It was built on August 9th in the year one thousand and one hundred and seventy-three years AD, and it continued to be built for a hundred and ninety-nine years, during which construction stopped several times, and therefore its construction was divided into three stages.

The first phase is from its construction until the completion of the third floor in the year one thousand and one hundred and eighty-eight, the stop was caused by the discovery of its leaning.Construction has remained on this situation for 100 years.

The building was rebuilt in a year, two hundred and seventy-two. It was built with four additional floors, but with a slight inclination to repair the fault.

The construction stopped again in one thousand three hundred and one for seventy-one years to build another floor and installing the bell finally.

Pisa tower consists of eight floors, and its height is about fifty-six meters. And its mass amounts to fourteen thousand and five hundred tons, and it has ladders of two hundred and ninety-four degrees, and recently was added an electric elevator to it.

The cause of the leaning of Tower of Pisa

The reason for its leaning is the softness of the earth beneath it. The soil descends over time, causing this tendency.

This has appeared to the architects in the early stages of construction, yet they continued to build upon this tendency.

During the construction of the fifth floor they tried to modify this tendency, and to return the tower to the center of his balance, but they failed.

And in the year one thousand and two hundred and seventy-five, from that time until now, architects are trying to build beams of the tower to reduce its leaning, so as not to fall.

In 1991, tourists were prevented from going up, because it may fall at any moment, and reopened in late 2000, after many efforts were made to make it stable and safe for visitors.

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