موضوع عن الفقر بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الفقر بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الفقر بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الفقر بالانجليزي به معلومات هامة ومفيدة عن تعريف الفقر واسبابه وطرق علاجه, فالفقر ظاهرة اجتماعية خطيرة فالكثير من الدول تعاني من الفقر ومنها العديد من الدول المتقدمة, يوجد اسباب كثيرة للفقر وطرق علاجه.فعلي الدولة والافراد التكاتف معا لحل مشكلة الفقر.

موضوع عن الفقر بالانجليزي

Poverty is a serious social phenomenon. Poverty exists in many countries, even developed countries.

Poverty is the inability of a person to provide the minimum living requirements or inability to provide the basic requirements of life.

There are criteria for the measurement of poverty, including financial criteria that include the person’s income and expenditure The person’s income and his level of expenditure as well as the social criteria which include the costs of health care and education or the existence of poverty because of their absence.

The causes of poverty are many such as Unemployment and the absence of an economic plan for the state provides a decent life, and inappropriate job opportunities with existing qualifications as well as the decline of the state economy and high prices, with no increase in salaries or the absence of breadwinner for the family such as father or disease prevented him from movement and earn money.

There are many solutions to poverty such as reforming the state’s economic policy ,
The imposition of price controls and the establishment of governmental associations that help the family without a breadwinner and provide job opportunities for young people that suit their university qualifications and establish awareness campaigns on rationalization of consumption.

عن admin

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