معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي
معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي نتعرف من خلالها على الكثير من الاشياء التي لم نكن نعرفها من قبل عن سمك القرش, حيث يعتبر سمك القرش من اكثر انواع الاسماك غموضا حتي بعد كل الابحاث والدراسات التي قام بها العلماء لا تزال هناك العديد من الاشياء الغير معروفة عن حياة سمك القرش, وهنا سنتعرف على معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي

تتعدد وتتنوع اسماك القرش بدرجة كبيرة حيث تنقسم الى اكثر من 400 نوع تختلف في العديد من الاشياء مثل الحجم واماكن التواجد والغذاء وغيرها من الاشياء. كل ذلك واكثر سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال معلومات عن سمك القرش بالانجليزي.


Sharks are huge sea creatures that take the seas and oceans as their home.There are many different types, some predators and others are not predators. Sharks Differ from each other in terms of size, body shape, food and behavior.  

More than four hundred and fifty species of sharks have been discovered, most of them are very different from the traditional, where most people believe that the white shark is the only species, and ignorant of the various other species with strange forms.

Information about sharks

The shark often has between forty and fifty to fifty; these teeth are in the front row only, but have seven teeth in the back rows and is an alternative to what may happen to the front teeth.

The shark changes its teeth every eight or ten months. The shark may lose around thirty thousand teeth throughout its life.

At the beginning of the teeth of the shark embryo, it eats the other embryos inside the uterus, leaving only one penny, so that the process is called eating meat inside the uterus.

The white shark is one of the largest marine organisms around the world, and may continue to grow to a length of about twelve meters.

There is a species of sharks called Goblin shark, where it lives on the outer continental shelf, and in very distant depths are difficult to detect, and has upper bumps believed to work as radar to identify the prey, which is difficult to see from the intensity of darkness.  

Some species of sharks (such as white shark) may be drowned if they stop moving, they are always in need of movement to pump water to their mouths and nostrils.  

Twenty species out of four hundred and fifty species of sharks attack humans and prey on them, so not all species are predatory and deadly.

The shark has small pockets called the Lorenzini flask in its nose, filled with gel, and helps the shark monitor and sense the weakest electric currents. Any movement or action from the prey generates a weak electrical current that the shark can pick up and sense, Although hidden under the sand or still standing, the shark can locate it through its heartbeat.  

The shark is often associated with a bad history or disaster, according to the Greek historian Herodit, the sharks destroyed a Persian fleet in the 5th century BC.

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