معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي
معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي نتعلم منها الكثير والكثير عن برج بيزا المائل من حيث الموقع وطريقة البناء وسبب ملان البرج وغيرها من الحقائق عن برج بيزا المائل. كل ذلك ستجده هنا من خلال معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي

يعتبر برج بيزا من عجائب الدنيا السبع بسبب ميلانه والذي لم يكن مقصودا اثناء الانشاء. وهنا سنتعرف على الكثير عن برج بيزا المائل من خلال معلومات عن برج بيزا المائل بالانجليزي.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Tower of Pisa is one of the strangest features on the surface of the earth and has been classified as one of the Seven Wonders of the World due to the strange design of this tower. The tower is not as vertical as the rest of the towers, but it is characterized by its tendency. Let us, dear readers, find out in this article some information about the Tower of Leaning Pisa.

The Pisa tower is located in the city of Pisa in the state of Italy, known as the Pisa Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, also known as the Bell Tower, a term used for towers with bells inside.  

The Tower of Pisa is a tower of the cathedral in the Italian city of Pisa, the third oldest building in the vicinity of the cathedral in the city of Pisa.

The tower is one of the oldest buildings in the Middle Ages in Europe, and is one of the most important sites where tourists come from all over the world.

History of the construction of the Tower of Pisa

The construction of the tower of Pisa dates back to 1173, and the building continued for 174 years.  The construction of the tower began in August of 1173 and the construction was halted until 1178 AD.

The third floor was built in the tower and construction work was stopped for a long time due to the leaning of the tower, and then returned the work of construction and was created eight floors made of white marble and was called by the leaning tower.

The cause of the leaning of the tower

The reason for the leaning is that there is a drop and looseness in the soil on which the tower is built. The architects who built the tower noticed the leaning at the early stages of construction, but they did not stop and continue the construction work.  But when building the fourth and fifth floors, the designers tried to modify the leaning by adjusting the center of gravity in the tower, but they did not succeed in that.

So far, attempts are being made to prevent the tower from being damaged by placing stanchions. In 1990, tourists visiting the tower were prevented from entering and climbing the Tower  due to fears of the fall of the tower.

Information and facts about the tower 

The height of the tower is 56 meters (185 feet).

Within the tower there is a stairway of 300 degrees.  

Consists of eight floors.

It contains seven bells and has a larger bell weight of three and a half tons.  

Wall thickness is eight feet.  

The tower of Pisa is 14,700 tons.

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  1. تعبير باختصار عن برج بيزا المائل

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