معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي
معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي

معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي

معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي تحتوي على الكثير من الاشياء التي لم تكن تعرفها من قبل عن القطط. القطط تعتبر من اهم الحيوانات الاليفة واكثرها التي يربيها الانسان. وهنا ستجد كل ما يهمك معرفته عن القطط من معلومات في موضوع بعنوان معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي

الكثير من الناس يحبون تربية القطط واتخاذها كحيوانات اليفة تعيش في المنازل. وهنا سوف نقدم لكم الكثير من المعلومات عن القطط لكل من يحبها ويريد التعرف عليها اكثر. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في معلومات عن القطط بالانجليزي.

The cats

Cats, the most closely related animals.  They are pets, raised by many people, and live with people for more than seven thousand years, and belong to cats for mammals.There are many types of cats, which vary in shapes, colors and sizes.

In some civilizations, cats were sacred animals, with dozens of statues erected, especially in Pharaonic civilization, Where the punishment of the person causing the injury to any cat, a severe punishment may reach the execution.

Types of cats

 The domesticated cat from the dermal strain, called the “past”, is characterized by its thick hair and height, it is very pet and does not show any aggression.

 Abyssinian cat, one of the smartest types of cats.

The Shirazi cat, characterized by the length of his hair, and his love of laziness and inactivity.

The Siamese cat, characterized by the beauty of his voice and his sweetness.

 The manx cat, without a tail, is characterized by its calm nature.

The Himalayan cat, a hybrid that is produced by the mating of the Siamese cat with Shirazi.

The Ballinese cat is a hybrid hybrid produced by the Siamese cat mating with the Himalayan cat.

 Abyss cat, a cat who lived a lot in the time of the Pharaohs, and has many statues.

Burmese cat, characterized by gold aid.

Russian cat, from very quiet cats.

The cat is rustic and has a very quiet character.

The exotic cat, a very flamboyant cat, is expensive.

Information about cats

 The cat has thirty-two muscles in its outer ears to control.

Do not distinguish the sweet taste of food.

It has three eyelids in her eyes.

 It has more than 100 different vocal tones, which are superior to dogs with only 10 audio tones.

Adult cats can not digest lactose, so they should avoid feeding milk and dairy products.

 Cats are about 35 years old.  

Cats of animals that clean themselves, licking their fur, and so get vitamin C.

The cat has a night vision more than six times in human vision.

In China, cat meat is considered one of the most delicious types of meat and is served at tables.

 Cats have flexible bodies that help them jump from high altitudes without being hurt.

 Cats are one of the most intelligent animals, and can distinguish the tone of anger, the tone of joy, the tone of sadness.

 Cats have a very sharp sense of hearing, where high-frequency sounds are heard, about 65 kHz.

 Cats alienate the citrus scent, such as lemon and orange.

 Cats have thirty teeth, and change their teeth teeth with permanent teeth.

The normal heartbeat of the cat is about one hundred and ninety-five beats per minute, breathing between twenty and forty times a minute.

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