معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي نتعلم منها الكثير من الاشياء عن مكان وجود الاهرامات وكيفية بناؤها واهم الالغاز حولها التي حيرت ومازالت تحير علماء الاثار حول العالم حتي يومنا هذا. كل ذلك ستجده هنا من خلال معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي

تعتبر الاهرامات من اهم واكبر الاغاز التي حيرت العلماء وابهرت العالم منذ الاف السنين , وهنا سنتعرف على اهم ما تحتويه الاهرامات من اشياء وايضا سنتعرف على سبب بناؤها. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في معلومات عن الاهرامات بالانجليزي. 


Pyramids is one of the seven wonders of the world, and is one of the greatest puzzles in the world in terms of the way it is built, and beauty, and the splendor of things within them.

As it is built in a distinctive engineering manner, and at a time did not have the mechanisms and modern equipment as now which is considered a miracle.

And has gained great fame among millions of people throughout the ages, so it has been classified as the most beautiful tourist areas in Egypt, and in this article will talk about it in general.

Where are the Pyramids?

The pyramids are located in Fayoum Governorate, located in Giza. It was built between 1530 and 2630 BC.

The names of the pyramids and the reason for its construction

The names of the pyramids are: Pyramid of Khafra, the pyramid of Menkera, and the pyramid of Khufu. The reason for its construction was the burial; an Egyptian king built a pyramid to be buried in it after his death. He also buried his belongings, clothes, food, jewelry, and drinks so that he could use them in the second life, because the Pharaohs believed that there was another life after death.

How pyramids  were built

Modern scientists have not been able to know how the pyramids were built until now, despite the great progress that has come to them and from these puzzles: to know how the pyramids resemble the four directions: North and South, Eastern and Western.

Scientists have confirmed that the sun is permanently perpendicular to the top of the pyramid, thus contributing to the passage of the sun and entering the room where the kings and the mummy were buried underground.

The three pyramids were built on a single alignment with the Arctic star, believing that this saves the pyramid from robbing and the thieves, and that the blessings of their gods will be replaced on the pyramid, and the mummy inside it is kept, and the positive energy enters it. 

Things finds in the pyramids

King Khufu pyramid: This pyramid contains a room dedicated to the burial of the king, and other rooms containing his family, and his servants, as well as a lot of passages that make it difficult for thieves to steal, in addition to containing secret rooms containing the deceased’s objects and jewelry.

King Khafra Pyramid : contains many passages leading to the burial chamber, which was made of rock, in addition to containing many rooms.

King Menkara Pyramid: Inside it are secret rooms and corridors that reach the end of the king’s tomb.

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