تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط
تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط

تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط

تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط، صديقي المفضل خصوصا والصداقة عموما من أهم الامور الحياتية التي لا يستطيع أي انسان التخلي عنها أو العيش بدونها، لأن الانسان لم يخلق وحيد ولكنه خلق ليعييش في جماعات، ولذلك سمي انسان لانه يستأنس بوجوده مع الناس، ولكل هذه الاسباب لابد من وجود أصدقاء في حياتنا.

تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط

تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط،هل للصداقة شروط؟ ولماذا لا تنجح أغلب صداقتنا مع الناس؟ هذه الاسئلة الهامة جدا تخطر في عقل جميع البشر ممن لا يستطيعون التكيف مع غيرهم، ويخسرون الاصدقاء كثيرا، ونظرا لأهمية الموضوع فإننا سوف نطرح هذه النقاط للمناقشة في موضوعنا اليوم.

my best friend

The first creation of mankind is our master Adam, but he was not been created a lonely but Allah created with him Eve and lived together. Man began his journey on earth, and as time went on he discovered that he could not live  alone.

Man is a social creature who loves to live in groups, so a person likes to be surrounded by his family or friends.

Your favorite friend is your friend as if you were dealing with yourself, but you have to know how to choose this friend.

There may be some wrong friendships in the life of man that make him a man different from his nature and make him a bad person, but this should not be frustrating to man, he must continue to look for that real friend who will soon occupy the position of the friend of choice.

The experience of choosing a bad friend is what will make us learn the right choice.

The true friend is the one who is by your side in the most difficult circumstances and asks about you, always find this friend feel you if you are in trouble.

Good friend is the one who makes your life happy, and forgive you and do not harm you, the best friend keeps your secrets, keens on your interests and supports you until the end of life.

Of course each of us has many friends; but the real friend has qualities that distinguish him from all our friends, these qualities that make us know that this friend is the true friend.

A true friend is someone who shares your secret without being afraid that someone will know it.

The real friend is who will advice you ,and you will find a full confidence with him. True friendship is where the support of both sides is achieved.

We must know very well that it is a shared responsibility to keep a favorite friend .We must do many things in order to preserve this beautiful friendship.

In this topic, we have presented a detailed description of who is the friend who will turn into a favorite friend, and we offered the qualities that must be available to know who he is.

وإلي هنا نكون قد أنهينا موضوعنا اليوم تعبير my best friend ثالث متوسط،وللمزيد من موضوعات التعبير يتم الضغط علي الرابط التالي:

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