تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي
تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي

تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي

تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي سوف تجد فيه وصف دقيق ومفصل عن موقع اثري شهير وهو مدينة البتراء التي تقع في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية والتي تعد من عجائب الدنيا السبعة.كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي.

تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي

كثيرا ما يطلب من الطلاب كتابة تعبير عن وصف مكان وهنا سوف تجد وصف يحتوي على كل المعلومات عن مدينة اثرية غاية في الجمال وهي مدينة البتراء. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن وصف مكان بالانجليزي.

History scholars are interested in archeology, and always try to dig for anything that may guide them; in order to record the stages of history of different regions, and linking them with each other.  In our article we will talk about the description of a well-known archaeological site around the world, Petra, located in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


The Petra or the Pink City, as some know, due to the color of the stones it was built in, is located in the south of Jordan. It is about 225 km away from the capital Amman. Petra is named Petra, which means rock, and is one of the seven famous wonders of the world.

The Nabataeans built the city of Petra in 400 BC and made it their capital. The Nabateans were nomadic tribes moving from place to place in search of food. When they arrived in the city of Petra ,it was inhabited by Edomites and they lived with them.

The Nabateans moved to commerce because of the privileged location of the city of Petra, between Egypt, Palestine, Syria and the Arabian Peninsula, and its location on a distinguished commercial route.

The Nabataeans carved the Petra into the stones to be like a castle. To reach the city you walk within a huge rocky stretch extends about a kilometer called the Siq , and the floor consists of gravel, while its sides rise to more than 80 meters of colored rocks, and different shapes.

And of course the tourist walks along this Siq on foot but can hire horse carts, or camels for the elderly paople, and unable to walk. During the walk in the Siq, the visitor sees the jinn group, which is three rock cubes located to the right of the corridor, then he sees the tomb of the carved obelisks in the rocky slope.

After the visitor is out of the Siq, he sees the rose city, which is 43 meters high. It has decorative facades and charming architectural inscriptions, containing the large safe as its distinctive landmark.

 It also has a water engineering system, which contains dams for winter rainwater harvesting, and special water conservation systems. The pipes and conduits are tightly distributed to deliver water to all parts of the city.

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