تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي
تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي

تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي

تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي يحتوي على كل المعلومات التي تقيدك اذا اردت كتابة موضوع تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي فهنا ستجد دور المدرس وفضله وكيفية رد الجميل للمدرس الذي يعتبر حجر الاساس في كل مجتمع.

تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي

يعتبر المدرس هو المنارة المضيئة في كل المجتمعات وصلاح المدرس واهميته من صلاح المجتمع كله وتقدمه وهنا سوف تجد موضوع تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي يحتوي على اهمية وفضل المدرس في حياة الشعوب.

Through knowledge, the societies flourish and rise, and it is the shining flame that illuminates the path for all generations. It is the ship that sails in the sea of ​​knowledge ., and  as all ships, need the knowledge ship for a courageous captain and commander, to lead and sail safely  to reach the shackles ,and  the captain of this vessel is the teacher.

He is the true wealth and the treasure of every society. He is the beacon that lights up the path of true science for our children.  The teacher is the first to cultivate the values, ethics and love of good for our children at the age of flowers. The great Islamic religion is keen to show the importance of the teacher and his role in the growth of society. The first word revealed to the prophite Mohamed peace be upon him  is the word “read”.

There is no doubt that the righteousness of the land is suitable for planting, and its corruption corrupts the planting. The good teacher cultivates everything that is beautiful in the hearts of his students, but the corrupt teacher is like the obedience that destroys everything.

The corruption of the captain of the ship will enter it in the waves of the sea, and destroy it and destroy its passengers, The teacher is the one who makes by his hands the doctor, the engineer, the policeman and the construction worker. If these are not a solid description like the solid wall, they work wisely and fairly under the captain’s command, the ship would sink.

At the end, is not this great lightening worthy of appreciation and praise for his efforts,  this candle deserves a beautiful response worthy of its fatigue and effort, let us remind ourselves and our children thanks to the teacher, and raise the hats in front of him for every great action done, and away from reducing his role and its importance in building the wall of society. The teacher is the solid foundation on which all members of society are based.

 وبهذا نكون قد انتيهنا من تقديم تعبير عن المدرس بالانجليزي ويمكنك قراءة المزيد من خلال الموضوع التالي :

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نبذة عن ادارة موقع مواضيع باللغة الاتجليزية وجميع الموظفين: نحن فريق واحد هدفنا تقديم افضل واسهل وسائل تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التي يحتاج لها كل طالب ودارس وباحث حتي يصل لهدفة.

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