تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming
تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming

تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming

تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming يتعلم منه الطالب العديد من فوائد السباحة swimming, حيث انها متعددة الفوائد بالنسبة لصحة الانسان وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming.

تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming

تعتبر السباحة swimming واحدة ان اكثر الرياضات والهوايات الممتعة والتي تعود على كل عضلات واجهزة الجسم بالفائدة. وهنا سنقدم العديد من فوائد السباحة swimming. اذا كان الطالب يريد موضوع قصير يمكنه الاستغناء عن بعض الفقرات الموجوده هنا في تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming.


Swimming is one of the most famous and important sports practiced by a very large number of people; it provides them with a lot of energy, activity and vitality, and some of them take it as fun and hobby. It was found as a sport more than ten thousand years ago, and the first indoor pool opened in 1828. On the other hand, sport returns to the body with a large number of benefits, and this is what we will discuss below.

Benefits of swimming for the body  

Stress relief: It promotes energy levels in the body, making it relaxed and relieving side effects associated with fatigue such as stress and anxiety.

Eliminating back pain: It is recommended for people with a particular physical disability, as it does not cause fatigue to the body’s connective tissue, and is on the other hand a relief for those who suffer from pains in the leg and lower back.

Useful for pregnancy: by strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and shoulders, and relieve them from other harassment related to pregnancy as joint pain, as a study conducted at the Institute Melpomene that pregnant women who swim less likely to abortion compared to others.

Improve the muscles: The practice of swimming three times a week on a regular basis helps to give the muscles of the body different strength, by moving them without causing damage to bones or joints.

Fat burning: Swimming is classified as one of the most sports that burn calories, by moving the various muscles of the body, and this in turn helps to reduce weight and eliminate obesity; exercise a full hour of swimming burns between eight hundred to ninety calories .

Minimizing the level of cholesterol: As a result of burning fat, swimming reduces the rate of cholesterol especially harmful to the body, thus preventing diabetes.

Strengthen the heart muscle: It helps to pump large amounts of blood in the body, which in turn strengthens the heart, and protect him from many diseases such as strokes and heart attacks.

بهذا نكون قد قدمنا لكم تعبير بالانجليزي عن swimming احترافي يتناسب مع الجميع سواء لمن يرغب فى كتابة موضوع قصير 5 اسطر او طويل او متوسط ايضا وذلك من خلال تقديم كل المعلومات والفقرات امامك مما يتيح لك الاستعانه بقدراتك وتطويرها من خلال استخلاص المعلومات التي تتناسب معك عن السباحة وتقديمها للمدرسة كما يمكنك قراءة المزيد عن السباحة سواء موضوعات مترجمة او قصيرة جاهزة قد قدمت منذ قبل من خلال موقعنا يمكنكم الوصول اليها من البحث داخل الموقع او الدخول علي القسم التالي:

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