برجراف عن التلوث
برجراف عن التلوث

برجراف عن التلوث

برجراف عن التلوث يحتوي على العديد من المعلومات عن التلوث واسبابه وكيفية حدوثه وكل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في برجراف عن التلوث يحتوي على كل ما تبحث عنه من معلومات هامة عن هذه المشكلة الخطيرة التي تهدد سلامة كل المجتمعات.

برجراف عن التلوث

التلوث اصبح افة خطيرة تهدد سلامة المجتمعات وكل الكائنات الحية على وجه الارض ,والتلوث له اسباب كثيرة ومتعدده سوف نقوم بعرض البعض منها هنا في برجراف عن التلوث.فاذا كنت تبحث عن معلومات عن التلوث وما يسبب التلوث فسوف تجد كل تلك المعلومات هنا.

Pollution is a condition in which natural components of the environment are damaged or replaced with hazardous chemicals or energy, which can create a state of imbalance in the system and a number of health risks to nature and humans.

pollution is the process of introducing various pollutants into the natural environment system, causing disturbance in the ecosystem and harming the natural environment of the environment in general.

Causes of pollution;

Radioactive contamination, which is one of the most dangerous types of pollutants so that it enters the human body and other living organisms without feeling or even a warning and there is no indication of its presence at the beginning, and this type of pollutants can not be seen and smell.

Different types of transport vehicles .It is a machine for internal combustion estimated at millions, which means that it is one of the largest responsible for causing environmental pollution at a high rate of up to 50 percent or more.

Forests and areas planted with trees and plants are exposed to massive fires that extend for long hours and possibly days to extinguish them, adversely affecting the ecosystem.

The occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes of the main causes of environmental pollution, because the occurrence leads to the exestance of large amounts of ash in the atmosphere and this is very dangerous.

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